fbpx Study in English @FOaG | Faculty of Oceanography and Geography

Courses Taught in English!

Last modified: 
2018, March 2 - 11:43am

Dear Students,

please feel free to choose from our offer of courses taught in English!

You can apply for courses prepared in both Institutes – the Institute of Geography as well as the Institute of Oceanography. We will start the course if there is sufficient interest from students (no of students per course). Check at the Dean’s office when and how to apply: dziekanatwoig@ug.edu.pl

Below you can find the list of all courses as well as their Syllabuses in order to choose the one most suitable for your personal career!

In addition, you  can choose following planned courses. Just ask the lecturer if you can join the group.

  • Regional oceanography-case studies (45h/4ECTS/konwersatorium)
  • Principles on synoptic meteorology (20h/2ECTS/konwersatorium)
  • Ecosystem based management (20h/2ECTS/konwersatorium)
  • Emission of nutrients from Polish agriculture to the Baltic Sea (20h/2ECTS/konwersatorium)